Leave Wisloe Alone


Latest Documents

If you visit the Examination Library you'll find a letter(19:01:2024), from SDC asking for a delay and a response(05:02:2024), from the Inspectors, giving SDC until the 5th of Dec 2024 to get sorted and then the Examination will continue.

If you go Facebook you'll find both Wisloe Action Group and CAM COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP (CCAG) PRESS STATEMENT(on Dursley Matters) have put out statements about The SDC Meeting

Stroud District Council Extraordinary Full Meeting "CCAG are not anti development, we just want development that is fair; needed and not being dumped on, proportionate; sustainable and in keeping with our village and town settings, of benefit to local people. This draft plan does not meet that test and certainly not for Cam."
Stroud District Council Political Leadership by recent public statements have turned the mess of the unsound draft local plan presented to Inspectors, into a political fight, the only barricade they had left outside their bunker in Ebley Mill to try and stop open and honest debate or a real examination of options, costs, risks and mitigations. So it was not surprising raw politics emerged.
This Extraordinary Full Council has momentarily prised them out of their bunker and we thank Councillors who made that happen on behalf of the many who remain very concerned for the future that the current draft plan paints for our community. The responses by the Executive have not allayed our concerns and project fear of no other choice remains the narrative. We heard that starting again would reach the same point. Frankly no, because a different plan and spatial strategy would be produced that was sound.
A statement was made that decisions are based on evidence and all Councils will have had an explanation of those decisions. Well. evidence was presented by Cam Parish Council yet there have been no meetings to explain why it was disregarded, in fact no collaborative engagement at all. Further, evidence presented by National Highways and Gloucestershire County Council was clearly disregarded, with no collaborative engagement, otherwise we would not now be in this mess.
The pause request and plan was never openly presented, questioned, debated or voted on. Worse still, statements made to the press have been misleading based on the evidence and letters from the Inspectors and with the most recent attempt last October to have a proper debate stifled.
SDC must stop denying the serious position we are in, demonstrate some humility and real leadership and produce a realistic and costed local development plan that does not spend hard earned Council Tax payers money chasing wishful thinking multi million pound infrastructure. They must use the right drivers of real housing need and genuinely and honestly collaborate and consult with statutory consultees, Parish and Town Councils and residents to produce a fair, proportionate and beneficial plan of benefit to our communities. End.

Wisloe Action Group (WAG)
We feel obliged to write this due to the shameful failures of the Council.
WAG want a robust, sound, viable and deliverable local plan that it right for our District and our Parish. Unfortunately Stroud District Council has taken an approach over the past 7 years that was not collaborative, choosing instead a pre-determined developer led plan rather than working with communities to which it should serve.
We have been ignored and treated as NIMBYS!
The Planning Inspectors paused the examination hearing to consider the additional evidence submitted during the sessions. It was not, as stated at the Extraordinary meeting or in the Councils FAQs, for a "summer break"! It was paused for a good reason.
The Inspectors initial letter from 4th August provided options for the Council on the way forward. It stated "we consider that withdrawal of the Stroud District Local Plan from this examination may well be the most appropriate way forward". This was due to fundamental soundness concerns.
Another six months has passed and nothing has changed.
The councils position has been supported by its Administrations for 7 years.
It is clear many of Stroud's elected members do not understand the plan making procedure, what is in the draft plan, and the severity of the situation the Council has managed to corner itself into. It only has itself, and those elected members who voted this through on small majorities in 2021 and continue to support it, to blame.
Instead, the Council actively chose to ignore numerous public consultations and follow a vanity project. It now blames the latest position on everyone else. The Council had an opportunity to do the right thing last night but failed to take it. The Examination process is underway, but the Council is not powerless to act as the CEO and Administration stated in the Extraordinary meeting. This is incredibly misleading to the public. It is time for the Administration to take a very close look in the mirror. They may not like what they see but they need to show leadership over the Council by taking the reins and withdraw the plan now.
We do not make this statement lightly. We only ever wanted the right plan in place and made that intent clear to the Leaders and Strategic Planning team for 5 years.
It is not a matter of we told you so, but the fact they would not listen. But apparently that's NIMBYS!
But where does that leave the residents of Stroud?
The Inspectors are considering the latest submission by the Council and we await the publication their letter on the way forward.

The Stroud District Council are aware there is still some confusion over the current status of the Examination and what is and isn’t in the control of the Council. To assist Elected Members and the public, the Council has produced a set of FAQs which was published 22 January 2024 here:

https://www.stroud.gov.uk/media/2345021/faq-jan-24.pdf and not as previously stated https://www.stroud.gov.uk/media/2345015/faq-jan-24.pdf, this link was correct at the time of the meeting, but someone said SDC weren't allowed to put it in the Examination area and so I can only guess that is why it has been moved. I didn't copy it when I read it last week or I could check to see if anything changed?
The SDC YouTube Channel.
The Council asked for and were given 6 months to address problems the inspectors found but apparently needed 7 months! See below.

Found on the examination Page Dated 18:12:2023

Stroud District Local Plan Review Examination
Inspectors: Victoria Lucas LLB MCD MRTPI and
Yvonne Wright BSc (Hons) DipTP MSc DMS MRTPI
Programme Officer: Charlotte Glancy
Email: bankssolutionsuk@gmail.com
Tel: 01903 776601 Mobile: 07519 628064
Ms Kathy O’Leary
Chief Executive
Stroud District Council
Sent by email
18 December 2023

Dear Ms O’Leary

Stroud District Local Plan Review Examination

1. Thank you for your letter dated 30 November 2023. We also acknowledge the letters received from South Gloucestershire Council (SGC), Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) and National Highways (NH). We again wish to extend our thanks to all parties for their continuing constructive engagement and for responding to our request in our letter dated 23 October 2023.

2. We welcome Stroud District Council’s (SDC’s) offer to act as the equivalent scheme sponsor for a J14 scheme. We feel this is a positive step forwards and trust that this will aid all parties involved in working together to resolve the strategic issues that have been identified to date.

3. We are continuing to consider the responses and information received to date. There are however a few remaining issues where we require clarification from SDC.

Programme for future work

4. Firstly, we would like to request clarification on the anticipated start date for the proposed pause in the Examination. Has work already started or has it yet to commence? We would also like clarity on the length of the pause that is now being requested. We note that week 32 has been referred to in the Joint Action Plan (JAP) which will take it beyond the 6 month period already requested (approximately 7 months). A longer period of pause may not necessarily be problematic in principle if it were to reflect a more achievable timetable, although as set out below, it may have wider implications for the Plan if it results in the need for other evidence to be updated.

5. Additionally, should we agree to a pause so that further work can be undertaken, it is likely that significant new information will be submitted to the Examination in due course. Following our consideration of this additional evidence we would then require that further public consultation takes place to allow interested parties and residents to comment on the additional evidence. This period of consultation would presumably last for 6 weeks and would need to be built into the Examination timetable. It may also transpire that further Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment work may need to be undertaken and consulted upon. Again, this would need to be built into the Examination timetable. Once a period of consultation and further assessment has been undertaken, the Council would then need time to assess and collate the responses in order to provide a summary document to us.

6. We feel it is important to be open and realistic at this stage as to the work that will lie ahead should a pause in the Examination be granted. It will be important to keep the Examination on track with a detailed timetable that sets out the work that will be undertaken and the time necessary to complete it. If it would take 7 months to complete the additional transport work, based on our experience we would suggest a minimum of 3 months is added to this so as to undertake public consultation and any environmental assessment work. It may well be prudent to add further time to this to account for unexpected delays and to allow for internal Council processes, such as taking any documents to relevant Committees for sign off.

7. Taking all of the above into account, it follows that the further work may well realistically require a pause in the Examination of close to 12 months. We would request that the Council considers this carefully and advises us of their intentions. We appreciate the desire to complete the work quickly and to proceed with the Examination but it is essential that all factors are taken into account and included in a future programme of work. In the event that the programme of work (including consultation processes) be completed sooner than 12 months, then of course there would be flexibility in resuming the Examination earlier. Another issue to bear in mind is that during a lengthy pause to an Examination, other pieces of key evidence may well require a refresh to ensure that they are up to date. If evidence is updated this could have implications for the Plan.

Joint Action Plan (JAP)

8. Turning to the JAP itself, we welcome the progress that has been made with this work and are encouraged by the joint working that has taken place in producing it. The stages appear detailed and the timescale whilst remaining ambitious appears to be achievable. We would however like to emphasise that it is the outputs from this additional work that will be key. It would be useful to develop schemes that can be worked up for the junction improvements as this will allow more accurate costings to be identified.

9. As noted by GCC in their response, this will allow for funding sources to be identified and applied for in the future. However, at the conclusion of this work no external committed funding will have been identified for these schemes. The schemes will therefore remain unfunded. In the context of significantly costly SRN improvements, it is the lack of secured funding and plans for implementation that calls their deliverability into question and that remains one of our fundamental concerns about the soundness of the Plan.

Identifying ‘non-IDP’ sites

10.We welcome the work that has been done on identifying sites that could potentially come forward without severe traffic impacts on J12 and J14. It would be useful if the Council could confirm to us if the intention is to continue to develop this list of sites as a possible fall back position should the SRN mitigation measures prove to be undeliverable during the Plan period.

11.Work to identify a level of development that could be accommodated before the need for the mitigation measures is triggered will also be useful. It will assist us greatly in understanding the amount and location of development that could be safely accommodated in the District without severe traffic impacts to the SRN occurring. We note that National Highways has offered to undertake work to identify the trigger point at which capacity on the SRN would be exceeded and we welcome this.

12.We do however have a number of queries regarding the document Appendix 2 AC6 “Note on Housing supply which could be delivered before impacts on M5 J12 and J14 would require mitigation”, dated 12 May 2023 (the Appendix) and the modelling that has been used to generate this list of sites.

i) Please confirm that the ‘non-IDP’ sites listed are those identified
in the Technical Note that do not individually represent more than 5% or more of the Local Plan development traffic forecast to use either J12 or J14.

ii) We would like confirmation of whether any modelling has been undertaken of the cumulative impact of these non-IDP sites on the SRN? If not, please explain why this is not considered necessary.

iii) We understand that the traffic modelling to support the Appendix has been taken from the 2040 modelling used to support the Local Plan evidence and that it has not been re-run to assess the development set out in the Appendix. As such we understand that the 2040 modelling included junction improvements at both J12 and J14 (improved grade separated roundabouts). Please can the Council confirm if that is the case? If so, then the modelling would need to be re-run on the basis of a ‘do nothing scenario’ and any strategic junction improvements would need to be removed from the model. Without this work then there will be no modelling evidence to demonstrate what the impacts on the SRN would be if the non-IDP sites were to come forward in advance of any junction improvements being delivered. Otherwise the model is assuming that there will be extra capacity on the SRN that will not have been delivered. This is a serious flaw in the evidence that has been used to compile the list of ‘non-IDP’ sites.

iv) The employment element referred to in the Technical Note is undefined. We require further information on this, specifically the amount of employment land that would be involved. Additionally, in the event that only housing development that is identified in the Technical Note is permitted, how would the employment land affected be managed? This may also be an issue that additional SA work may need to consider in terms of any economic and social effects.

13. In the event that a list of sites can be identified that could be delivered without exceeding the capacity of the SRN and sufficient evidence is provided to justify this, it follows that there will be sites that cannot come forward due to severe SRN impacts and a lack of deliverable mitigation. We note that the Council and other respondents to our most recent letter have referred to a potential Main Modification (MM) to the Local Plan that could alter or add a policy to manage this development and in effect prevent it from coming forwards until adequate mitigation can be delivered.

14.Clearly whether or not such an MM will be justified or whether any wording that is put to us will adequately address the issue will be a matter for ourselves to consider. However, it is worth noting that there is a range of options open to Inspectors including the deletion of allocated sites from a Local Plan in the event that they are not deliverable. It may well be in this case that there is a number of allocated sites that are deemed undeliverable and therefore their deletion from the Plan would be justified.

15.A number of issues regarding the modelling in support of the list of ‘non-IDP’ sites has been highlighted to us. We would like to request the Council respond to us on these detailed matters as listed below:

i) Following the provision of additional traffic flow for the PM Peak regarding impacts on J12, we understand that this shows a higher impact (13-14%) than the AM Peak (4-6%) for the ‘nonIDP’ sites. On that basis, GCC have raised a concern that this could be considered as significant. These concerns should be fully explored and addressed as part of any further modelling work undertaken to ensure that an accurate picture is presented regarding the impacts of the ‘non-IDP’ sites on the network in the event of a ‘do nothing’ scenario. We note that GCC have also expressed a preference for a particular traffic model to be used. In undertaking any further work, we would request that the Council adopts a partnership approach and where possible agrees technical modelling details with the relevant partners (specifically GCC and NH).

ii) As part of further modelling work, it has been requested that more detailed work be undertaken on the different arms of J14 as it is understood that there may be different capacity issues at different times. This would be useful information to include that will add to the evidence base.

iii) Clarification on whether non-motorway traffic on the B4059 has been included as it has been suggested that this may impact on the operation of J14.

16. In summary, whilst we acknowledge and welcome the significant progress that has been made to date, there remains areas on which we require further clarification. This relates to the timing and duration of the pause being requested in the Examination and that all stages, including public consultation and environmental assessment, are taken account of. Regarding the JAP, we wish to emphasise that even once this work has been completed it will be unlikely that significant external funding will have been secured. As such the deliverability of the SRN mitigation schemes will remain a fundamental Plan soundness question.

17. Finally, it is apparent that there is a number of outstanding issues regarding the technical modelling work used to support the identified list of ‘non-IDP’ sites. Some of these issues are queries that we ourselves have raised. Other issues and concerns have been raised by NH, GCC and SGDC in their responses to our most recent letter. Is it the intention of the Council to undertake additional modelling work to address these issues? In their response to our letter, NH have confirmed that they will be undertaking work to identify when the mitigation work will be necessary. But it has not been confirmed to us if additional work beyond this will be undertaken and by whom.

18.We would like to emphasise that if both NH and the local Highway Authority (GCC) are raising the same concerns regarding shortcomings in the modelling evidence base then these are views that should be taken seriously. Failure to do so may ultimately undermine the conclusions based on such evidence.

19.We would be most grateful to receive a response from the Council by 19 January 2024. However, if further time is needed, please let the Programme Officer know when a response will be submitted.

20.We would like to inform all other interested parties that we are not, at this stage, inviting or accepting any other comments on this matter.
Such responses will be immediately returned to the sender by the Programme Officer.

Yours sincerely

Victoria Lucas and Yvonne Wright
Inspectors appointed to examine the Stroud District Local Plan Review

If you watched the last Inspection Examination for Wisloe(still available on the SDC website) ECT/GCC produced their new and latest document Click to see the latest Document Wisloe Development Viability & Deliverability Statement, 16th June 2023.

They released it the night before the meeting so no one there could really question it. It's Confusing to say the least, the HIGH PRESSURE GAS PIPELINE or how they refer to it "Gas Main Diversion"(sound easier and safer) moves first but the bund and bridge will go in after but that means all the construction vehicles will have drive over the new live HIGH PRESSURE GAS PIPELINE for 3 years? Which I don't believe is allowed?

They said in the Examination they have been in constant talks with the Gas Company to keep their quotes up to date and yet they've chosen a route much more complex than any they got quotes on and they say it is the same as the original except instead of plus or minus 40% it's now plus or minus 30%.

The Bund only covers 50% of the length of exposed M5 so it does very little.

The M5 pedestrian bridge is a waste of £8M it does nothing more that the A4135 Bridge already does and there is already paths down to ground level both sides of the M5. This new bridge does not get anyone to the Cam/Dursley station. The only thing I can see going for it is it lands on the bit of land ECT owns! So how do you get to the station, easy they will make the Halmore Mill Bridge, just passed the Station a single lane with traffic lights so pedestrians and cyclists can cross in safety. It may cause delays on Box Road but everyone is now used to that. Which could be accessed from the existing bridge with only a pathway from one bridge to the other required which wouldn't cost £8m!I can find no mention of the Halmore Mill Bridge modifications in their time line.

Strange all the employment areas are subject to demand/funding requirements, so no guarantees they'll be built.

When we looked at the drawings it became clear number 5 Wisloe Road was no longer existing and it would appear from looking at old drawings again, from the start ECT/GCC has decided to DEMOLISH number 5 Wisloe Rd, which is impressive as it is half of a semi with number 6. ECT have said they were interested in the possible acquisition of number 6. Then they could DEMOLISH the pair.

Up until recently we only had low res copied of their Images mainly from the Pdfs they have published so with the thickness of the lines around things it was difficult to say definitely that they'd planned to get rid of 5. But in a strange turn of events ECT/GCC asked us to take down this point from Facebook and as proof they sent a hi-def image of their plan

Click here to see ECT/GCC's Latest Hi Resolution Image

You will notice Number 5 Wisloe Road has been air brushed out, and a Number 6 has lost trees Hedges and part of the garage, drive and garden along the north west side.

Click here to see Real Aerial View

Reading the Design Plan Again

It has been noticed that the new route shown in the Design Plan for the HP Gas Pipeline (described by ECT as a gas main) does not follow the path of the quotes. And yet in the Examination ECT had been saying they are confident the rerouting of the gas main would come in as quoted. When asked W&W Utilities who produced the quote knew nothing about any new route, only the ones they'd quoted for, Oops.

If you look in Part 3 of the Master Plan(https://wisloe.co.uk/documents/additionalreports.pdf) and look at the acoustic survey you will find the BUND has little affect and that's because the bund covers only 60% or so of the M5 in the Wisloe side and 30% or so on the Lighten Brook side. So it looks like they are doing something but in reality it is another waste of money.

The New M5 bridge really is a waste of £8m, the only thing it achieves is ECT off loading a piece of land they don't really want. There is already a path from the A4135 M5 bridge down to the north and south sides of the M5 it just needs joining up with the main road by Halmore Mill Bridge. Funny nothing has been said about the fact that their £8m bridge still requires Halmore Mill Bridge to be reduced to a single lane with traffic lights either end so a footpath and cycle lane can be added. No one has ever mentioned that as far as I can remember but it appear in the Master Plan part 3.(Not included in the Examination Library)

I noticed that in the Examination Library the document created by SDC with a simplified version of the Reps missed out any mention of the Stroud District Council's policy ES9 about not building on land used for equestrian pursuits. Although we know they do really care, 3 people asked about it in the original document but in the simplified one it is not there? I have reported this to the Inspectors and they have asked SDC to explain. Makes you wonder what else they've missed out?

You have to wonder why the Master Plan Documents are not included the Examination Library?

UPDATE on the last question too ECT/GCC

Not being happy with their nonsense answer I asked them to answer the question asked and in plain English. 3 weeks after asking we have no answer, read into that what you will I think it means they have no plan to integrate us into the new Community.

Wow after Weeks of waiting Wisloe.co.uk answer

The relationship between existing and new residents: It is important to us that Wisloe has its own identity that's distinct from, but connected to, neighbouring villages. People tell us they want to protect neighbouring villages' identities and we want to ensure those who already live locally benefit from the new community at Wisloe. When previous consultation activity identified concerns about the impact on neighbouring villages, we changed the way the site is planned in response to this. This is why the team reshaped this area to provide more natural space and stop 'coalescence' with surrounding villages.

I think they missed the point here, what about the people living here who are not part of these new communities and have been split from their existing neighbours? You are talking about land and areas not people and communities!

Request for more detail:  As explained in earlier emails, Wisloe is at an early stage of the planning process. It is not possible to share 3D models or detailed plans at this point. I am happy, however, to arrange for a hard copy of the plan to be sent to you if you wish to provide your address. On your point about access to information, you will be aware all local households were contacted about this project several times by post. People can get in touch with us by email (wisloe@distinctivecomms.co.uk) and by phone (0330 107 0535). Please know also that we remain happy to meet to discuss your questions in person.

Stroud District Council's policy ES9: This policy relates to equestrian development, which is facilities and spaces for keeping horses for leisure and recreational purposes. We are not trying to get around this policy and we recognise that this is one of several factors that need taking into account. We appreciate also that there is already space for horses in the area. We will continue to consult and engage local farmer and horse-owners on any plans as they continue to evolve.

Wisloe Farm is an Equestrian centre as well as farm and has been praise by GCC as the way forward with diversification, and they will just change it to housing?

ECT/GCC release their New Wisloe Design Code

Having looked through it, it's biggest problem seems to be a total disregard for the existing residents. After all these years of so say talking to residents they have decided putting them in parks, isolating them from the new builds and separating them from their neighbours is the way to go. No wonder the "lady in Red" at the first meeting said about building walls around our properties. On 20th of Feb and asked for a copy of the document to be sent to the 17 households directly effected and even offered to deliver them myself. Still awaiting a response. 15th of March still no reply so I've emailed Michael Birnie(Property Director ECT) still no reply.


Having read the Document the first thing that struck me was the "HIGH PRESSURE GAS PIPELINE" which runs through the site. I believe this is the "Gas Main" they say will be moved " the diversion of the Gas Main (which runs northeast to southwest through the centre of the site)" as oppose to the actual gas main which we resident get our gas from.

If you read the document, remember it states clearly at the very start:

The words ‘will’, ‘shall’ and ‘must’ are used to define mandatory guidance.

The words ‘could’, ‘should’, ‘may’ and ‘can’ provide discretionary guidance where alternative design approaches can be considered.

So perhaps the HIGH PRESSURE GAS PIPELINE/gas main might stay they haven't used any of their keywords.

Will is used 598 times, as in "Prior to Planning Submission for any phase of development the developer will engage with the community and stakeholders to enable proposals to be reviewed before they are finalised. I'm sure we will be heard.

Shall only seems to be used 12 times in relations to cycles, parking and bins.

Must is used 149 times

Security By Design sounds good it means all the new build will be built with this in mind leaving existing home as easy targets.

The layout at Wisloe is based on a perimeter block structure which maximises natural surveillance of the streets and public realm. The delineation between public and private areas is very well defined. All public boundaries to private rear gardens will
be enclosed with walls, and features such as internal parking courts and public access to the rear of properties limited.

Certainly existing homes in Wisloe Rd are neighbours of GCC farm and therefore must have stockproof fence with barbed wire atop. And yet these are now in leisure and as such must be safe so I guess our Hawthorn hedges and barbed wire will have to go?

Who will be the neighbours of existing resident, a faceless Stewardship Body made up of:

The Ernest Cook Trust / Gloucestershire County Council By appointment.
Commercial Business representatives By election of businesses on site.
Chair of Primary School of Governors By appointment.
Social Housing Providers By appointment.
Voluntary/Community/faith interest representatives By appointment.
Residents By election of residents on site.
Co-opt By Board members.

Residents of 17 home are not going to get much say against resident of 1500 houses in 3 districts all outside of those enclaves.

Looking at their 7.5.3 Block Typologies, page 85, there appears to be 5 or 6 distinct areas and the existing houses fit into none of these?

Looking at these blocks alot of it feels like going back to Yate, front doors that never get used because you can't park near them. Has anyone spoken to the postman and all those parcel delivery people we all now use because we don't have to go out to shop? With only 17 Homes you be amazed how many white van deliver every day here what will it be like with 1517 awaiting deliveries?

One thing ECT/GCC promised(?) was less traffic down Dursley road which now appears to be the main bus route and the main route in if you're coming from the north. And yet is says "Walking and cycling will always be the most attractive and convenient way to travel to local facilities, and the use of private cars will be restricted with limited through direct routes for vehicles and no through vehicular connectivity to Cambridge." I think they need to publish better plans.

It is good to see we'll be getting "Cast Iron Nameplates with white lettering on black
background should be used for street names." That's what alot of people have been worried about. But still no mention existing residents?

Still haven't heard an answer

In https://www.stroud.gov.uk/media/1939042/stroud-local-plan-viability-assessment-2022-refresh-report.pdf why, on page 111, did Savills for The Ernest Cook Trust and Gloucestershire County Council (as landowner) in relation to Wisloe ask about Hotels, are they putting some here?


5.32 For the hotel sector, a rental of £5,000/room/year for newbuild hotels is assumed to apply across the area. Assuming a yield of 5%, this equates to a value of about £4,050/m2 (£376/sqft). It is important to note that this study is only concerned with newbuild hotels115.

5.33 An agent116 for a Strategic Site noted that hotels are typically valued on a 'profits' or turnover basis. This is agreed in relation to existing hotels, but in the case of hotels yet to be built, the proposed approach is appropriate.

115 60 rooms x £5,000 = £300,000. 5% yield = £6,000,00. 60 rooms @19m2 + 30% circulation space = £4,049/m2

116 Savills for The Ernest Cook Trust and Gloucestershire County Council (as landowner) in relation to Wisloe.

Appraisal Assumptions

5.34 The value assumptions have been updated as follows:

Table 5.2 Non-Residential Values £/m2 2022

Rent £/m2 Yield Rent free

Offices - Large £175 6.75% 1.0 £2,429 £2,450
Offices - Small £175 8.00% 1.0 £2,025 £2,025
Industrial - Large £80 4.50% 1.0 £1,701 £1,700
Industrial - Small £75 7.00% 1.0 £1,001 £1,000
Retail - Central £350 5.50% 1.0 £6,032 £6,000
Retail (elsewhere) £200 9.00% 1.0 £2,039 £2,000
Supermarket £280 5.25% 1.0 £5,067 £5,000
Retail Warehouse £200 6.00% 2.0 £2,967 £3,000
Hotel (per room) £5,000 5.00% 0.0 £4,049 £4,050


Cost so far 08:02:2023

I just got a reply from Gloucestershire County Council in respect of the Wisloe Development, up to 26/01/2023 Wait for it £225,463.43 so I guess that' just under half a million(£451,000) between the partners, which sounds a lot but I think other developments had more spent on them at the beginning of the process so it does seem a bit half hearted. When asked for their response to the Public Consultation to their Draft plan(Master Plan) they said The masterplans were provided in support of the regulation 19 call for sites in the Stroud District Councils local plan, and remain as a matter of fact. However, subsequent public engagement has occurred, and a review of the responses is being incorporated into an updated design code, with a release/publication date within the next two months. Not as optimistic as Wisloe.co.uk who on the 30th of Jan said "Likely to be a in a few weeks rather than days"


The Updated MasterPlan should be Released Soon 30:01:2023

I asked Wisloe(ECT/GCC) why after all their consultations no update on their Plan had not been announced and they said "We will publish an update on this work shortly." I replied "When" and they've said "Likely to be a in a few weeks rather than days" So watch this space I will update if/when they finally come up with their revised plan.


Re the 2022 SLP-01a and SLP-01b

Having read some more of the responses, it appears they have not included all our remarks in the SDC version, I for one asked about the SDC's own rules "Delivery Policy ES9 Equestrian development" which stops developers doing anything with land used for equestrian purposes", after all Wisloe Stables is an equestrian centre. So check if your points made it into the new documents, SDC were only suppose to make it easier to read not edit out bits they don't want.


Planning put on hold

I didn't know this until I read this months Parish Newsletter so I went on the SDC Website and found a letter from the Inspectors:
28 January 2022
Sent by email

Dear Stroud District Council
Inspectors' Initial Request to the Council

As you will be aware, we have been appointed by the Secretary of State to conduct the examination of the Stroud District Local Plan Review. We are currently at the preparation stage where we are initially reading through the Plan and relevant submitted evidence and the representations.

To assist us so that we can progress the Examination, we require a summary of the duly made representations in tabular form setting out the representations against legal compliance issues, Plan sections and policies and any other documents.

The following information is required:
. Policy/paragraph of Plan/legal compliance issue or other document being commented on;
. Representor name/organisation name and representor ID number (where representations are similar these may be grouped together so that only one summary is provided, but all representor ID numbers need to be listed);
. Summary of the representation/group of representations on the specific Plan policy/paragraph/legal compliance issue or other document;
. Council response to the summary of the representation/group of representations; and
. Any suggested Council modifications for consideration.

We would like the Council to inform us when they consider they would be able to provide this summary of representations. We will not be able to progress the Examination until we have received this.

If the Council has any queries on the contents of this letter, please contact us through the Programme Officer.  

Yours sincerely

VL and YW

Inspectors appointed to examine the Stroud District Local Plan Review

No mention of the out of date ALC that still says grade 3b instead of the correct grade 2?

If you now goto the Examination Library (Read it here) it has a number of new Documents dated 2022, SLP-01a, SLP-01b

most of them seem to be;
Issue; Wisloe is unsustainable or deliverable and should be removed. SDC "Yes it is" or

Issue; The Development Strategy does not accord with national planning policy. SDC "Yes it does" or

Issue; There is not enough evidence to suggest the site has market demand as they are all too close together. SDC "There is no evidence of a lack of market demand in these areas." or

Issue; new community proposed at PS37 Wisloe was not supported by residents. SDC no answer or

Issue; PS37. Wisloe is an unsuitable site for development due to Agricultural Land Classification, Noise, Pollution, Ecology, Coalescence, HSE, Highways, Sustainable Transport, Sustainability Assessment, Footpaths/PROW, Flooding, minerals, Archaeology, Landscape and AONB. SDC "Comments not relevant to this policy." or

Issue; Very concerned by the flood risk from Wisloe (PS37). SDC "All sites have been assessed in the SFRA Levels 1 & 2 (EB54) as suitable for allocation with on-site specifics to be agreed at the planning application stage." or

Issue; Many contradictions with PS37 Wisloe site. SDC "The Council considers Strategic Site Allocation PS37 suitable for development. Topic Paper: Assessment and selection of sites October 2021 (EB9) sets out the assessment process and highlights the key factors the Council has weighed in the balance, in terms of site selection. On-site specifics; including safeguarding and enhancing local landscape character, to be addressed at the masterplan/ planning application stage. or

Issue;Support the growth strategy for concentration of growth in a few large sites including new settlements at Sharpness and Wisloe subject to adequate physical and community infrastructure being provided in step with development including improved public transport. SDC "Comment noted" or

And so on and on

SDC do admit the site has been resurveyed and now accurately graded. So why is that not in the Library?


Please read these Documents this is only the tip of the Iceberg there are many good arguments against Building at Wisloe and very few stake holders for it (Sport England) or good arguments for it.


FOI request to Gloucestershire County Council 28:05:22

Still waiting!


FOI request to Gloucestershire County Council

With the upcoming event last month I asked GCC how much they'd spent so far on the Wisloe green Proposal and how much each of the monthly drop-ins would cost us.

On the 18:02:2022 I received this:

Request summary:

1) Including the cost of march 18th drop-in event how much has the council spent on the Wisloe Green proposal?
2) How much will each of the monthly drop-in session cost?

Due to the ongoing uncertainty of the full impact of COVID-19 there are likely to be disruptions to our services. At the moment, we are focussing on high priority work and the remainder will be subject to delays. We appreciate your patience during these unprecedented times.

We aim to respond to your request no later than midnight on 18 March 2022 (the statutory timescale of 20 working days, starting on the working day following receipt of your request). We may need to contact you if the request needs to be clarified; this is to ensure we provide you with the information you require.

So the answer should have been here for today but I got this on 16:03:2022

I am writing to apologise for the delay in responding to your request. I am continuing to work on your request and will respond as soon as possible.
The Request Management team are currently receiving high volumes of complex requests. Covid19 has added pressure to this situation, creating delays in us being able to access information in support of Freedom of Information, Subject Access and other Data Protection Act right requests.
As a result, we have a significant backlog of requests and are unable to meet our statutory deadline in some cases. We are increasing our capacity to manage this backlog, though it will be some months before it is cleared. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.


Face to Face 18th March 2022

You won't see me there.

On Sept 24th 2019, on behalf of ECT/GCC, Studio LK ran a drop-in at the Legion, I believe Lita Khazaka(the now notorious lady in red) spoke to many of us and upset most, never having visited Cambridge or Wisloe and saying whether we liked it or not 1500 houses would be here so get used to it.

I was going to go to last month's to see how far their plans had progressed but after they cancelled and put everything online, I wondered why bother, it's still the same as it was in 2019 and they are still asking the same questions with no room for a "is this the wrong place". Their questionnaire implies you want the development at Cambridge and that they have the go ahead, THEY DON'T!. Their plan is so good they haven't even got a developer onboard after all these years. Plus even by going to their website they count every click as a positive endorsement and I'm sure by turning up they will say everyone is for it.

If you read their plan you will see they will build a lot of house before any amenities go in and then after all the houses are finished if they have money and they feel there is a need they may build employment centres and a school! So although they keeps sayin about the jobs and school it is up to them and not really part of the plan.

If you see their questions it's joke, they are asking which of the thing they promised originally you would prefer implying you can't have them all and if you have the landscape mound to screen the motorway noise you might not get direct safe new walking and cycle routes. And if that's is what happens they can blame us for picking whatever they say we picked.

As WAG said this is a box ticking exercise if I go they will take no notice of any I say and they can tell the inspectors that they spoke with us and we all support their plan.


Protest at Slimbridge AFC, Wisloe Rd on Friday 18th of Feb took place

There were quite a few turned up to brave the wind and rain, luckily there was a break. A Reporter was there and got lots of photos so keep your eyes open it should be in the Gazette.



Wisloe Social have informed me that:

Wisloe consultation event - Postponed until Friday 18 March due to severe weather warning

As you may be aware, the Met Office has issued a rare Red Weather Warning for extremely strong winds affecting parts of Gloucestershire. Gloucestershire's Local Resilience Forum has also declared a major incident due to the risks posed by Storm Eunice.

Given the above, for everyone's safety we have reluctantly decided to postpone tomorrow's Wisloe consultation event, in order to avoid putting those attending at any unnecessary risk.


Part 7 - If you go to the Face to Face at Slimbridge AFC, Wisloe Rd on Friday 18th of Feb 2pm-7pm

You might ask if this is such a good proposal why hasn't any Developers got on board?

Why did 87% of the survey responders vote against it.

Why is the Gloucestershire County Council wasting our money on this monthly meeting before the Inspector makes a decision if Wisloe is included?

If you are against this proposal make sure they make a note of it and don't just put you down as turned up so must be in favour.


Wisloe Social have informed me that:

The information that is going to be displayed tomorrow is from the latest masterplan that was published in August 2021.

There will be representatives from The Ernest Cook Trust, Gloucestershire County Council and the project team attending tomorrow.


Part 6 - If you go to the Face to Face at Slimbridge AFC, Wisloe Rd on Friday 18th of Feb 2pm-7pm

You might ask who you are talking to and who they work for? At the last drop-in they held no one was Identified and as far as I know none were actually from the Ernest Cook Trust or Gloucestershire County Council. Many didn't know the area or even how to say Cambridge or that there was a river Cam! I'm sure they will be better prepare than last time. And perhaps this time they won't use photos of parishioners without their permission.

They will tell you, whether you like it or not, this development will happen. This is not true.

They will tell you what you want to hear.

There will be a new footbridge over the M5, if that doesn't satisfy you they can get a grant to move the station to the other side of the A4135!

Too much traffic at the round about, they'll put in 5 new roads to reduce the flow on any one road. These become rat runs they will block them off.

They have answers for everything it's only when compare answers after that you find out "they have no answers".


Part 5 - If you go to the Face to Face at Slimbridge AFC, Wisloe Rd on Friday 18th of Feb 2pm-7pm

You might ask about the SDC's Delivery Policy ES9 Equestrian development. It says "Any proposal for the conversion or change of use of existing equestrian establishments to a non-equestrian use will be discouraged, unless there is a strong case setting out why an exception should be made."

Why should an exception be made? Other than the huge windfall in Council Tax for GCC and Service Charges ECT will be taking in.


Part 4 - If you go to the Face to Face at Slimbridge AFC, Wisloe Rd on Friday 18th of Feb 2pm-7pm

You might ask about the "green and blue infrastructure principles" they are going to use,
Read it here.

It is a great principle for cleaning up Urban areas. So why mention it here unless it's going to be so bad they have to liken it to a cleaned up urban area instead of the countryside it was. In their own surveys ECT/GCC said:

Water Quality and Efficient Land use came out as Significantly Negative!

Air Quality was said to be Significantly Negative and minor Positive effects?

Chances of flooding was said to be Minor for Wisloe probably as it will be flooding somewhere else instead.(Cambridge and Slimbridge are down stream of the waterways and already flood without this.

They have shown images of their ponds that will in theory soak up the rain water, according to them. These will have to be much bigger and will be dry in the summer if they are to stand any chance of working.

Remember with the exception of a few surveys this whole plan is based on "Desktop Studies" not someone actually coming here to see the lay of the land. Their Designer at the Legion open day admitted she'd never seen Wisloe but might have passed it in the taxi from the station.


Part 3 - If you go to the Face to Face at Slimbridge AFC, Wisloe Rd on Friday 18th of Feb 2pm-7pm

You might ask about traffic problems, in 2020 11394 vehicles used the Cambridge A38 per day, 6808 on the A4135 and only 273 drove though Wisloe. Numbers have reduced due to covid over the last 2 years but put 1500 - 3000+ people driving to work, school, shopping and it's a large percentage increase if you use the 1500 number and say they use they A38 once a day that's a 13% increase and if they come back home that's an increase of 26% per day. How many cars in your household? They have an answer if you have nowhere to park you won't or can't have a car.

According to Ernest Cook Trust/ Gloucestershire County Councils own Report

"While the policy includes a requirement reference to car parking provision, the emphasis is on keeping the level provided as low as possible and developers must justify the level of parking provided and demonstrate that it will not have a detrimental impact on the road network.

The policy states that parking provision should be used as a policy lever to discourage car trips. However, there is a possibility that residents will have inadequate access to services and facilities during the early stages of development, which may result in a need to travel further afield using private car trips, resulting in decreased air quality in the short term.

Furthermore, providing employment at these locations could result in some in commuting by private car given the high level of accessibility to the strategic road network. While the good level of access to the strategic road network from these locations may result in increased potential for journeys to be made by car and associated levels of air pollutants and greenhouse gases, these locations are likely to be attractive to potential investors.


Part 2 - If you go to the Face to Face at Slimbridge AFC, Wisloe Rd on Friday 18th of Feb 2pm-7pm

You might like to ask ECT and GCC why their initial Land Survey stated the land was grade 3b and yet all others say "Grade 2" top quality agricultural land and will they be seeking a refund as we the Council Tax payers paid 50% for it and was this fraud or incompetence? Perhaps there should be some sort of public report of what happened as it was paid for with public money.

ECT and GCC are not "Joint Owners" of the land they do own 92% so by their own admission so that means 8% is owned by others, in many cases others that, unlike them, live here and don't want over 1500 houses put on the surounding Grade 2 Land.

IF the first 150 house are built, why would they be put in at least a year before the Noise bunds? Will 150 new home owner be happy to live so close to the High Pressure Gas Pipeline whilst they reroute it? Those 150 homes will need cars as the Bridge isn't planned for another 2 years. And they won't even be planning a possible school for 5 years.

Why will people move here and work here when the employment part is only subject to demand and more importantly FUNDING, as is the school.


Part 1 - Face to Face at Slimbridge AFC, Wisloe Rd on Friday 18th of Feb 2pm-7pm

ECT and GCC have said they have invited us all along to see their displays and talk about the future of Wisloe.

I think the first thing to say here is unless the Inspector agrees their plan then they have Nothing to Talk About!

If they were interested in our opinions then why didn't they use the results from the past 2 SDC Surveys of which the last showed Stroud was 86% against the Wisloe Development. And of people who were for it 89% were people who Voted to keep Sharpness out so probably Sharpness residents who thought it was a good idea to throw us under the bus instead. It shows the way SDC is putting Neighbourhood against Neighbourhood in an effort to avoid us banding to together.


Have you seen the "RE: Stroud District Council Local Plan Submission" Email

I did and followed the link to find out what had been submitted www.stroud.gov.uk/environment/planning-and-building-control/planning-strategy/stroud-district-local-plan-review/local-plan-examination.



Then EB96a       PS37 Agricultural Land Classification

Which takes us to


Then EB96 Documents relating to PS37 new settlement at Wisloe, its final destination is the incorrect at best or fraudulent at worst, it's the original ALC which said the Land was Grade 3b, which even ECT and GCC admit is not right! Why is this the goto ALC? Two more Agri. Land Surveys have been done since and both found the land is GRADE 2 !


Yet again to find anything relating to one site seems to lead you all over the place as if to stop people looking!


Just found this

I only just found this, Just down the road and on the opposite side to the propose entrance to part of the Wisloe Village a proposed redevelopment of the garden centre was rejected on the grounds "As the site is to be accessed and egressed onto a fast flowing and busy highway where documented traffic speeds indicate that 85 percentile speeds are in excess of the prescribed limits, a non-compliant site in terms of highway design and the intensification of the site as a result of this proposal would undoubtedly increase the potential for significant highway incident." So what about Wisloe? See full report in the Gazette


Our responses have been put on the SDC site

I put a link on Facebook but no one seems interested? September 2021 Stroud District Local Plan: Regulation 19 Representations

These are the redacted responses from the public, not sure what redated means in this case as they are all done by name? I guess this time our phone numbers, email addresses and postal addresses are not included.

Redacted database Just like the last one this is big and difficult to navigate as it's not just for one plan but all the stroud ones. On the plus side only 29 people were in favour of the Wisloe site being included and 183 against so of interested parties who responded 86% were against, if that means anything to SDC. Strangely some of those in favour, No 573 then go on to say "I do not support the building of large numbers of houses at Wisloe". And No 702 says "I'm not sure support is the right word for what I feel". Of the 29 in support of including Wisloe, 13 had no reason why to include it! Most thought it was good because it's close to the railway and Cam Doctors. One because apparently because Sports England supports it!

It also seems most of people (26 out of 29) who support Wisloe's inclusion also objected to Sharpness, thanks the people of Sharpness! I only found 2 (out of 183) that objected to Wisloe and supported Sharpness. It shows the way this is set out to put neighbourhood against neighbourhood and with some people it worked.

Letters and Emails

On-Line attachments


Michael Birnie, Property Director at The Ernest Cook Trust, said:

"The nation faces a challenge to build the homes we need whilst tackling the climate and ecological emergencies we face. As a responsible landowner The Ernest Cook Trust has an important role to play in tackling these issues by demonstrating how new homes can be designed and built in a way that contributes to protecting the planet.

If he is so concerned about the planet why build on agricultural land rather than brownfield sites? And if not for future food production, with the introduction of E10 fuels more land will be require for fuel production. Can you grow such crops on brownfield sites?

He also said "The project is committed to working with communities as these plans progress and we look forward to hearing what people think. By benefiting from the local community's input, we're shaping a place everyone can be proud of."

If he is so committed to working with communities why ignore what local communities have told them they think of this plan? Well another week has past GCC still hasn't got replied to say why they hadn't replied by the date (11th Aug) they first said (the statutory timescale of 20 working days, starting on the working day following receipt of your request).

ECT said; Just a quick note to let you know I am still waiting on a couple of bits and pieces. I'll let you know as soon as we're ready to publish everything.

Another week passes and they still have no idea what they are doing or when!


What became of Spring Wisloe Masterplan 2b

On the 14th of July I asked Gloucestershire County Council a number of things including when was the Spring Masterplan being released and why the website still said it had been available since Spring and was being consulted on this was their response:

We aim to respond to your request no later than midnight on 11 August 2021 (the statutory timescale of 20 working days, starting on the working day following receipt of your request). We may need to contact you if the request needs to be clarified; this is to ensure we provide you with the information you require.

You may have noticed that was supposed to be answered by a week ago today. Yet again neither of the groups behind the Wisloe Development can keep to a date so what did they say today, when I asked what happened:

We are working on your request and will send the response as soon as possible.

We live in hope.


What became of Spring Wisloe Masterplan 2

August I received an email from ECT/GCC Development people, 12th August, saying re: The Spring Masterplan

Just a quick note to let you know I am still waiting on a couple of bits and pieces. I'll let you know as soon as we're ready to publish everything.

2 Months ago it was going to be published very shortly, then shortly. And just over one Month ago it was again shortly. What hope is there that if they get their permission, to go ahead, they can deliver if they are already so far behind at this early stage?

And yes they still will not correct their website where it states "Consultation on a Masterplan Spring 2021" Ticked and "Further ongoing consultation as the Masterplan is refined Spring 2021" Ticked?

Keep watching


Gloucestershire County Council's Spend so far on Wisloe Green

Well I guess we pay for that in our Council Tax. As of March 11th they say "Although we haven't reconciled this years figures yet, we thought it helpful and in the interests of transparency, to provide an estimated figure rather than decline to answer this part of the FOI. Initial review suggests that expenditure to the end of the financial year 20/21 is likely to be approximately £73,500. For the avoidance of doubt this includes the declared figure of £47,632.15 from 23/10/2019"

How much did they spend on the Leaflets we got in February, £2,680

Obviously this is only half the total spend as the Ernest Cook Trust has to pay in their 50% and who knows what else they've spent?

I have asked when GCC and ECT will put the map right but neither have got back to me on that!


Responses on Stroud District plan is now Closed

Hopefully everyone got their responses in, in time. Now that's over there are no reasons for ECT/GCC to keep their Spring Masterplan a secret anymore so I guess it will be published very soon. It's now a month since they said "The masterplan will be published shortly. This is later than we had hoped but it's taken longer than expected to prepare the masterplan" (See Below). If you check their website you will find they say they have done this and are in consultation on it and have been since Spring, would it be easy to remove the tick that says they done this Yes, will they No. Watch this space.


What became of Spring Wisloe Masterplan

Gloucestershire County Council Say they will let me know by August!!!

Ernest Cook Trust say, after being asked a number of times since Spring this year,
on 24:06:21, We will be publishing a masterplan very shortly. We had hoped to share something sooner but we're looking forward to sharing our work with everyone.
then on 25:06:21, The masterplan will be published shortly. This is later than we had hoped but it's taken longer than expected to prepare the masterplan.
And on 09:07:21, In relation to the website and the masterplan, we will be sharing the masterplan shortly and will update the website to reflect this.

I guess it will be published after the 21st of July so it doesn't scare Slimbridge Parish Residents into mass filling of objections when they see the real plan for their Parish.


What will become of our Community if the Wisloe Dev goes ahead?

It will no longer exist. Where once 16 homes and a few businesses surrounded a Farm/Stables were, they will be engulf by 750+ houses. A Parish with 1200 adults will potentially be 4200 plus. The Parish Council will change from a typical rural Council to one voted on by a new town and thus their needs will be put above original residents and anyone not in the "Wisloe Development". As for the Community there will not be one new one but two or three or more. The A4135 splits the site and it is not an easy road to cross at the best of times. Added to that The Cambridge side of the Development is to be split into two the housing Estates and the expensive homes. How will this integrate with existing residents, a green belt will around them where new resident can play or picnic! The Community wants more afford able housing, a few spread around for locals not 1500 but SDC does not take any notice of their own poll. What do ECT/GCC have planned? We'll know after the review is done, although if you go to their website it states "the Consultation on a Masterplan" and "Further ongoing consultation as the Masterplan is refined", has happened. It is and has not, in a letter they said it was delayed, but they won't change their Website that says it was delivered Consulted on.

Make sure you complete your Response form before the deadline.


Stroud District Plan review UPDATE !

The Stroud District Plan review is here, Stroud District Plan review. Don't rush off a reply there are right and wrong ways of doing this and I believe WAG will be coming out with a guide to help do this correctly.

Stroud Council now inform us "in recognition of the challenges associated with carrying out public consultation during the ongoing pandemic, the Council has decided to extend the current Local Plan Regulation 19 consultation period by two weeks. The consultation period was due to end on 7 July but will now end at midnight on 21 July 2021."

To download the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, Regulation 19: Publication of Local Plan, Statement of Representations Procedure and Availability, (Word docx)Click Here.

To fill in the online response form Click Here.

To Download a word Docx response form Click Here

To see the Local Plan Review, Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan, Regulation 19 Consultation May 2021 Click Here.

To see the Local Plan Review, Draft Plan for Consultation November 2019 Consultation Report, April 2021 Final Click Here.


Gloucestershire County Council and Wisloe

Gloucestershire County Council seems to have no interest in Wisloe as long as someone buys it when asked "How many homes do you plan to build at Wisloe Green if it goes ahead?" the reply was "Gloucestershire County Council will not be building any homes at the above site but is likely to sell its land interests for others to develop."


Listen to what the Councillor for Hardwick has to say

1hr 47mins into Stroud District Council Meeting of 29th April 2021 And listen to Cllr Nick Hurst(Minchinhampton) has to say on the same subject 1hr 57mins in.

If you find that meeting interesting you might also be interested in the Stroud District Environment Committee - 20 April 2021


2021 - The Feb 23rd, Wisloe Leaflets Proves to be a bunch of lies

This is the invisaged size of what ECT/GCC and apparently Labour/Co-op Candidate David Drew wants here. We all saw the Wisloe Leaflet again plugging their 1500 houses and yet as seen in this document (David Drew saw it 9th Nov 2018) This is the true size 2500-5000 homes.
That's 10 times the size of Slimbridge Parish as is!! By 2026 Wisloe Green will already out number the rest of the Parish. By 2029 Wisloe will be 2 times the population of the rest of the Parish. By 2030 Wisloe will be 3 times the population of the rest of the Parish.

https://assets...Garden_Vilage__Wisloe_Green.pdf (if you look this map is dated 07/11/2018) it states they are actually planning 2500-5000 houses! On top of that it appears they want to join Cambridge up with Gossington and Slimbridge by building on both sides of the A38 between the back of the school and Tyndale Lane! Always a good start when they can't even spell Village ! It also looks like Cam/Dursley station and it's surroundings will be engulfed in the Wisloe Green Developement.

Remember on MAY 6th On April 20th Labour, Lib Dems and the Green Party Councillors all voted to keep this in and they would have had this info, Cllr Denney Lab, Cllr Lydon Lab, Cllr Townley Lab and Cllr Pickering Green were not seeking re-election after this. Skeena Rathor, Independent, seems to have been there but didn't vote.


What Gloucestershire County Council's Spend so far

Well I guess we actually pay for it in our Council Tax.

As of March 11th they say "Although we haven't reconciled this years figures yet, we thought it helpful and in the interests of transparency, to provide an estimated figure rather than decline to answer this part of the FOI. Initial review suggests that expenditure to the end of the financial year 20/21 is likely to be approximately £73,500. For the avoidance of doubt this includes the declared figure of £47,632.15 from 23/10/2019"

How much did they spend on the Leaflets of lies we got in February, £2,680

Obviously this is only half the total spend as the Ernest Cook Trust has to pay in their 50% and who knows what else they've spent?

On the 3rd of March I asked when GCC and ECT will put the map right but neither have got back to me on that!

2021 Feb 23rd - Wisloe Leaflets Proves to be a bunch of lies

Dated 2018

Last month we saw the Wisloe Leaflet again plugging their 1500 houses and yet as seen in this document dated 4th Sept 2020 https://assets...Garden_Vilage__Wisloe_Green.pdf it states they are actually planning 2500-5000 houses! On top of that it appears they want to join up with Gossington and Slimbridge by building on the opposite side of the A38 between the back of the school and Tyndale Lane!

Their Timeline seems to be
2025 400 houses
2026-30 160 houses per year added
2030 1400 houses
2035 2200 houses
2050 5000 houses
Their numbers make no sense if you read pages 20 to 21

The "Wisloe Garden Village Site Location Map" shows it includes areas both sides of the M5 and both sides of the A38 towards Gossington and have Issue dates of 07/11/2018 strange they don't mention any of this in their publications to residents.

Still no mention of the High Pressure Gas Pipeline running through the site.

2021 Jan 23rd - Wisloe Leaflets arrives

Got up today to find a 3 page pull out together with a survey, from the Ernest Cook Trust and Gloucester County Council, in the Post. I added a copy of their concept plan here and marked on the 17 homes that already exist on "THEIR LAND", you can see it online yourself at https://www.wisloe.co.uk/index.php?contentid=13. Yet again they imply they own all the land and ignore the community that they are decimating.
They said they've listened to previous surveys they'd done and yet what have they got 2 rat runs, one of which appears to go through someones home, and a lot of artists impressions that won't look anything like their plans.
The survey appears to be a tick box exercise, so at present I for one won't be sending anything back, maybe they should read the results of the SDC survey where most people, not only locals, were against it, if only for the amount of traffic it will unleash at the already over used A4135/A38 intersection.
Just a cursory look and they seem to have taken land from some people but that might be artistic licence, next to the A38, A4135 and M5 are the Green Spaces and Playing Fields! It says Significantly reducing traffic on Dursley road, but what is, it will either be a rat run or they will have to block it off! It also seems Wisloe is only part of the plan and they've agreed the other side of the A4135 can't be part of the Wisloe Village and now named it Lighten Brook so it can't qualify as Green or Garden Community. They've even split the Wisloe side into 2 with the council estate Wisloe Green and the exclusive flood area, River Cam Edge. Not sure I want to pay extra to live in a flood area next to the M5, but then I'm not a highly paid planner so what do I know. Again no mention how children cross from one side of the A38 or A4135 to get to their schools without the use of a car or risking life and limb across busy roads. It does make sense to put the businesses in the centre of the development as long a the people work there live near by or else traffic mayhem.

Zoom In

This is typical of the image(lies) they peddle, you can sit out by the river looking down to the Church. The River Cam is not where they call River Cam Edge. Also there isn't a stretch of the Cam as far as I'm aware that is that wide or that out in the open(unless they cut all the trees down and it doesn't flow towards the Chruch! And if nothing was in the way the church would not look anywhere that big! See it online yourself at https://www.wisloe.co.uk/index.php?contentid=23 at least on this after all there denighing it could flood they say about Ligten brook "A green space linking wetlands", hopefully it won't flood onto the A38 like it did Christmas. It would appear being between the Railway, A38, M5 and industrial units it has "homes designed for older people".

I know they will never show it but there appears to be no wind in any of their images clearly they still haven't been here.

June 23rd 2020

I was just sent a link to the HSE advise from 18th march 2020

Decision : HSL-200312163803-55 ADVISE AGAINST
HSE's Advice: Advise Against. The assessment indicates that the risk of harm to people at the proposed development site is such that HSE's advice is that there are sufficient reasons on safety grounds, for advising against the granting of planning permission in this case.

Read the whole Document here.

June 2020

We are still waiting for the Ernest Cook Trust/GGC Surveyor to come back and show Wales and West Utilities where they say they dug their survey holes to reclassify the land to Grade 3b. They are between a rock and a hard place, if they did dig they will be in trouble for not informing W&WU or checking where they were digging and putting lives at risk. As should the Ernest Cook Trust and GGC who both knew what was here. And if they didn't they have falsified the land survey?

The final Local Plan Responses are on the SDC Site - 23:06:2020

I was on the SDC Draft plan electronic reps page this morning and thought I saw some pdfs that I hadn't spotted originally. It is interesting the Ernest Cook Trust one doesn't say they did a field survey instead they did "A field surey was undertaken", what does it mean?

Here's a few more that have an impact on Wisloe:


These are just the ones I spotted, there are probably more. I have complained to SDC as the new ones are not the next numbers following the originals but have been put in the gaps they left which is great if we keep a copy of all the numbers the previously published but I for one didn't.

Interestingly a number have stated of their "significant concerns as to the appropriateness and deliverability of the proposed new settlement at Wisloe."

The final Local Plan Responses are on the SDC Site - 05:04:2020

Final Draft Plan consultation responses 00001 - 00497 and number 00870

Final Draft Plan consultation responses 00498 - 00565

Final Draft Plan consultation responses 00566 - 00874 ????

Again there are hundreds of responses the last being 875 although 566-874 are missing? Below is the numbered responses I've found that mention Wisloe or Slimbridge. Once again the Council managed to miss some Redactions.

00191 although it doesn't say Wisloe or PS37 I think Sandwiched between the M5, A38, A4135, & the Railway Line implies Wisloe
00231 *
00241 *
Beware I was warned of a Virus when trying 0000436

That's the first 497 covered and 127/497, one quarter are against The Wisloe plan, remember in amongst these 497 are Developers, Builders and land owners trying to make their fortunes so 25% could be nearer 40-50% of actual objections sent in. I will update this as and when I have time to read more.

Paper Responses


For the paper responses 24 out 66 were against Wisloe that's 36%

It's still worth looking through the others they have some interesting things to say like
The persimmon housing are failing to sell due to poor quality, they are not designed appropriately for families small or large. They are not inkeeping with the properties in Berkeley and the surrounding areas this I feel very strongly about. (The house build project in Thornbury is of far better quality and beautifully spaced and fit for purpose families and single people).
A lot of people hae said they want the inclusion of bridle paths or horse friendly solutions to be introduced.

The Ernest Cook Trust or is it?

If you contact ECT about the Wisloe Garden Village Plan you will be passed on to the Wisloe Team at wisloe@social.co.uk.
So who are Social? A PR Company based in Manchester although they have a Bristol Office, Tel. Number 0117 9269 945, for this campaign and this is what they say about themselves;

We spark change, create purpose and deliver strategy. Whether it's a one-off project, extensive campaign or ongoing support, we make the difference. We add value through a one team approach, bringing years of experience, insight and a culture of collaboration. We're focused on helping clients cut through the noise to make the right impact and deliver outcomes.

Strategy is what separates the trailblazers from those being left behind. There are times, though, when it can be hard to see the big picture. This is when you need our support to create a clear vision. We will do the heavy lifting to help reignite your brand, navigate changing markets and deal with bumps in the road.

We live and breathe campaigns. It's what gets you noticed and takes your brand to the next level. We have the skills, experience and creativity to help develop smart messaging and find the right channels to make you stand out and connect with your audience.

We are born storytellers. In a crowded marketplace and disjointed world, we'll help you make the connections to win hearts and minds, and make sure your voice gets heard. We are experienced in all media and have the creativity and insight to develop a rich narrative that will make you stand out from the rest.

Social media changes fast and frequently - but businesses must keep up. When content, branding, targeting and strategy unite, social becomes an engine for truly rapid growth. Our expert team can define your strategy, implement and maintain it through tactics such as audience profiling, paid advertising, social listening and content creation.

Your brand is your reputation. We'll make sure yours can thrive in a fast-paced future and help you define an identity that's compelling and authentic. Our tried and tested process will tease out the distinctive characteristics of your identity, we'll advise on positioning and make sure your messaging resonates with your target audience.

In a world of short-lived content and information overload, cut through is critical for digital communications. We will give you a smart and relevant digital presence that's underpinned by robust analysis to make sure you reach your audience at the right time, through the right channels and with content that matters to them.

Nothing captures the imagination quite like a memorable piece of film or stunning photograph. We offer punchy edits for social media, high impact campaign videos and feature length documentaries. From storyboard to final film, user-generated content to motion graphics, animation and photography, we'll bring your story to life.

So I guess we can expect to get bombarded with very expensive, high quality advertising on social media to tell us what a wonderful thing Wisloe Garden Village is going to be.


The first of the Local Plan Responses are on the SDC Site - 21:02:2020

Draft Plan consultation responses

Environment Agency, Public Health and National Grid have nothing to say about Wisloe or PS37

Wales and West Utilities drawings says Extreme caution. Major Accident Hazard Pipeline in Vicinity. **RISK OF DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY** Prior to excavation starting you must contact the plant protection team on 02920 278912, on the Wisloe site map.
This is strange, these had to be in by 22nd of Jan and yet the map is dated 11/02/2020?

Severn Trent say(if you zoom in on their Table) High Risk for Potential impact of surface water sewerage infrastructure!
This is a greenfield site. Surface water should be managed on site through SuDS. There are no existing surface water sewers in the vicinity, part of the site will be able to drain to the river Cam, other parts will not. Some surface flows may have to be connected into the foul sewer system if infiltration is not feasible.
There are no sewers in the vicinity of this site. The 'Low Risk' assigned to this site assumes connection to a new pumping station which will pump the flows directly to the sewage treatment works and therefore there will be no impact on the existing network.

gfirst-lep says "we also note that the proposed site has few definable boundaries, save for the M5 and the A38, and there is a danger that the overall garden village principles will be lost with the development simply becoming an urban extension to Cam that will engulf both Cambridge and Slimbridge. At the present time, it is considered that the Vision document produced for the development does little to demonstrate that the settlement will deliver garden community principles."

Seen on facebook

Wisloe Garden Village Plan, why it is WRONG

May 2020 - local elections

Stroud District will be having elections in May to pick the Councillors that will later vote on which parts of the local plan to go ahead with so they hold future of Wisloe in their hands. Maybe it's time to contact any candidates to find out where they stand on Wisloe and tailor your vote accordingly. Our 3 sitting Councillors have come out against the Wisloe proposal, but there is nothing stopping you asking Councillors from other wards to vote against it too. Click here to see full list


Delivery Policy ES9 Equestrian development

The keeping of horses for leisure and recreational purposes or as part of commercially based equestrian activity shall be considered acceptable where development that, through its environmental impact, either enhances or does not diminish environmental quality of those rural areas in which it is to take place. The level of activity generated by a proposal will be taken into account.

Such development shall be integrally connected with wider land management and be development requiring a countryside location. In particular, a longer term landholding management and maintenance plan will be expected to accompany any equestrian development proposal.

Any proposal for the conversion or change of use of existing equestrian establishments to a non-equestrian use will be discouraged, unless there is a strong case setting out why an exception should be made.

What is Wisloe Farm at the Momment? Stables and Equestrian Development!

Ernest Cook Trust PLAN for Wisloe

As previously reported we found this Ernest Cook Trust Draft plan for Wisloe so I guess now the SDC Surveys are in perhaps it's time to look at what Ernest Cook Trust are proposing.

Well the first thing as with other plans we've seen, obviously this was a desk job. Someone has used google maps Bing Aerial View(google got it right, bing maps were half right) and decided it's totally flat so the A4135 must be flat and so the M5 can be raised to go over the the A4135 and railway will be going under the M5 but over the A4135 so either the railway has to dip or the Motorway has to rise up enough to clear the Railway which has just gone over the A4135. Wow it's good job all that is true or else how would the new turning off on the A4135 into the southwest part work? It would have to go straight down an embankment, luckily A A4135 must be flat so that is fine. "Perhaps if Ernest Cook Trust are serious about Wisloe, it's time they paid someone to visit Wisloe instead of doing all these Desktop surveys!". It was drawn by KH and checked by NJ, of Stantec, so maybe someone needs to talk to them. If you can't get the basic lay of the land correct then what's the point. Oh I did find something correct on their Plan, Scale NTS, "Not To Scale". Yeah I've tried over laying it on other maps but it's not to scale! I have emailed Stantec for a better copy if there is one.

Click here to see full Document

Medium distance views: There are no views towards the Site from the Church of St John the Evangelist at Slimbridge. That's because they forgot 2 things:
1. You can see for miles on one of the tower tour which are popular because of the views.
2. It's a flat field, once buildings are there, they will be visible.

This is the view from one of our popular tourist views, the Red, Pink and Cyan are just the grass in the fields, where houses will be, coloured in, so if they had buildings on they would be a lot more obvious. If you look at as a percentage 45%, of average person's 124° field of view, will be Wisloe Green!

Long Distance Views: Again at present it can't be easily seen as it's flat and the same colour as surounding fields, once buildings and roads are there it will be different and be easy to spot.

Having read the document that now goes with it it would appear the whole plan was illconceived it states near the end that Site is recommended to be set around an integrated green blue infrastructure framework which means it must be bad as this is a way of introducing some of the countryside into Urban areas?

Finally for a Final Document they seem to have joined bits of more than one image together but not line them up correctly, hardly professional and NJ had the cheek to sign it as checked and reviewed! Look below the Railway line and it's as if the they streched Wisloe as the A4135 lines up but M5, A38 and even their own pink arrow are all staggered.

I have written to Stantec and Kate Ham, the Landscape Architect who prepared the document, about the inconsistances between their plan and the real landscape but, big surprise, have received no reply!

Wisloe Planning Objections and Surveys 23:01:2020

Should be in now, they stopped accepting them midnight of the 22nd, acknowledgement emails from the SDC have been slow the one I put in on the 15th got acknowledged on the 22nd? So It's going to be a bit of a guessing game as to whether you got it in in time or at all! Any where else acknowledges receipt of an email within minutes, if not seconds, but this is SDC.

Wisloe Action Group - Keep Wisloe Green

Update 19:01:2020

SPC Planning Meeting/Wisloe Action Group Meeting

Village Hall, Monday 20th

SPC meeting 7:30 at the Village Hall. Please do attend to support WAG. The agenda includes Wisloe along with the neighbourhood plan. WAG will have a quick meeting afterwards.

SPC Planning Meeting/Wisloe Action Group Meeting

Village Hall, Monday 6th

A good turn out, filled the main hall. Bringing everyone together and making them aware of what could happen and what they could do to stop it. People from other Districts turned up to find out how we were getting on and passing on advice to help.

David Scammell said "Over 100 parishioners attended to support our opposition to the proposed Wisloe development"

Update 03:01:2020

You may have started to see our volunteers who are out and about visiting all residents to make everyone aware of the plans to build 1500+ houses and commercial building in addition to the 500 homes in the Parish. If you are not in, we will leave a leaflet. If you'd like to become more involved or be added to on our distribution list, please either send us a private message or email wisloeaction@gmail.com with your contact details and we can keep you up to date!


Don't Forget

Saturday 11 January: Berkeley Town Hall 12pm to 4pm - Stroud District council will have their last Public Exhibition of their Draft Local Plan! Maybe you'd like to go along and make your voice heard? Or get some answers on why this is such a good plan?


Update - Just in

Ernest Cook Trust PLAN for Wisloe

I just found Ernest Cook Trust's Draft Plan (dated October 2019 although anything like this was denied at the drop in day!) for Wisloe. So it's back to a landscape feature and apparently a access road on the inside of the M5 bridge ramp, even more accidents then.And zero integration of the existing Residents with the new? Also the South west corner is isolated and it looks like they have the church land covered in trees?

Click here to see full Document

Next Meeting Monday Jan 6th 7:00 at the Village Hall, tell everyone

Update 24:12:2019

Wisloe Action Group (WaG)

Thank you to the many residents who ventured out on a cold wet December evening, just before Christmas, to support your action group meeting.

We are creating a supporters list and will be in touch in between Christmas and the New Year. We will provide you with the information you requested to help you deliver leaflets and canvas your neighbours.

In the meantime.....Please help by ;
- spreading the truth about the draft local plan and the proposal for Wisloe
- Explain how it will impact our lives,
- & how to raise objections (and alternative suggestions) to Stroud District Council by the 22nd January 2020 deadline.

Thank you for your support.

Merry Christmas!

After the resent Parish Council Meeting and SDC Planing Review an Action Group was formed to try and stop the latest Ernest Cook Trust/GCC plan for the Parish. There will be a meeting Monday 23rd Dec 7:00pm at the Village Hall. Tell EVERYONE!


In 1919 the then Health Minister Dr Christopher Addison got a new House Act approved as there was a huge demand for working-class housing throughout Britian. The 1919 Act often know as the 'Addison Act' was a significant step forward in producing good quality housing for the masses.

'Homes Fit for Heroes' After WWI Homes were built for the returning men, they were not just houses knock up quick but house built to a standard. In 1920 Wisloe was built to just such a standard. Council housing was good housing and this continued for many years. Of course at a certain point in time big building devolopers were having problems as their jerry built houses were not up to the same standard as the Council ones. Why would anyone one buy them? Were there is large amounts of money to be made there is pressure and these devolopers went to the Government of the day and pressed them not to build so many.

Now in the present day 100 years on standards for buildings are a joke 97% of new owners are dissatisfied and Devolopers don't hang around to fix problems, they are off to get the next family into another shoudy build. You'd like to think these problems do get sorted out swiftly but they can take years and sometime never get fixed. You may think well at least the young get affordable homes now, do they, this is another developers dream only they can sell under the scheme and the housing is over priced but then the Government or we get to pay that.

So where does that leave us, well 100 years on from when we were getting 'homes fit for Heroes' some of these homes will be demolished to make way for a money making scheme for the EARNEST COOK TRUST and GLOUCESTER COUNTY COUNCIL! Will this scheme produce good quality housing, No! It will be built cheap and fast to make profits for all concerned. They didn't even have the guts to show what they planned when the then plans were annouce to get feedback on areas that might be devoloped. No even though they printed their scheme weeks ahead of the review they didn't tell locals until months later and even then they released it to some locals but not to anyone in Wisloe!

What do the Plans mean well for two famillies it maens no home. The first is at the Council farm which has become a successful equine bussiness will be closed and tenants pushed out at the end of their tenancy. The second the House surrounded by the farm as this will become the Community Facilities. No one can tell them what will happen to them except there cannot be a compulsary purchase of their property! So what will happen no one will buy their house so they will be forced to stay through the dust and noise of the new buildings going up and then force to sell cheap to Earnest Cook Trust/GCC to build the Facilities.

What about the rest of Wisloe Road, probably the same. Will Earnest Cook Trust/GCC really want 4 1920's houses with large gardens inbetween the new shoebox houses and the park/ Facilities? I guess not.

So what's the benefits
1, Earnest Cook Trust/GCC make barrels of money selling their cheap agricultural land (last big plot in Gloucestershire) for mega bucks.
2, GCC make loads more money every year from council tax.
3, Builders they make a ton of money.
4, A park will be built next to the Main road, and a hill overlooking the M5 and the main road where you can pinic?

What is the downside
1, Some of us will loose our homes.
2, Noise, polution, road traffic and traffic jams will increase both locally and all the way to the next 2 motorway juctions M5J13 & M5J14.
3, Some of the last high grade agriculcural land in Gloucestershire will be lost to save the money on building on a brownfield site somewhere.
4, Lots of wildlife will be destroyed.
5, Probably by the time they finish the 1500 houses will be 2000 plus and they will still be modelling a new sewer to cope but that's alright, Earnest Cook Trust and GCC don't have to live here and can fairly say not our problem that was upto Severn Trent. The Jammed roads will not be Earnest Cook Trust and GCC problem that was upto the highways and so on. On second reading of the Invite I realise they actually now "at least 1500 dwellings" so there will be more than the initial 1500 proposed. And just remember this to offset another districts housing requirements not just Gloucestershire's. And according to the BBC earlier in the year said "across Gloucestershire and West Oxford 1300 households are classified as in need of housing, at the same time 1200 uninhabited properties also exist!" Maybe we don't need 1500 new houses.
6, Slimbridge Parish will suddenly have more than 60% of its residence living outside of Slimbridge parish across the A38, close the hall and the post office, Power shifts to Wisloe Village.

Think about it and make your voices heard.

Latest on the Wisloe Green Planning Review

Dec 16-17th - Wisloe Green Development

Stroud District Council will be holding a drop in event at Slimbridge Village Hall on Monday 16th December from 2 - 6.30pm and then the following morning Tuesday 17th December from 9.30am - 1. Please do go along to see and give your views as there is significant changes for the parish being proposed with "Wisloe Green" development. Slimbridge Parish Council will also be holding a public planning meeting on the Monday 16th December in the village hall from 7pm where the Local Plan will be discussed and you can leave your comments for consideration for the Parish Council's final response.

The Plan and supporting and background papers are available to view and download at www.stroud.gov.uk/localplanreview.

SDC Enviromental Planing Committee Meeting 24/10/2019

For full list of Documents

Video Feed of Meeting

What amendments have been made to he Plan?

The Berkeley Cluster - Wisloe

PS37 Land at Wisloe

Physical constraints (flood risk, topography, contamination, access)
. The land is in a floodplain with high water table

Potential impacts (heritage, landscape, transport)
. Coalescence of existing villages
. Extra pressure on services and infrastructure of Cam and Dursley
. Pressure on surrounding road system
. Loss of agricultural land
. Vicinity to motorway would be unpleasant for residents
. Impact on the Severn Estuary SAC and the Wildlife Trust
. Impact on views from AONB
. Scale is too large for the area
. Lack of local employment leading to increased car journeys
. Too close to motorway creating an unpleasant place to live Opportunities
. Good access and traffic links, Close to Cam and Dursley station
. Education, health and leisure provision for wider community
. New cycling and walking routes

Council's response

Wisloe is well located adjacent to the A38 and near to Cam & Dursley rail station to provide a relatively sustainable location for growth with wider facilities and services at nearby Cam and Dursley. Development of a new settlement at Wisloe provides the opportunity to transform the level of local facilities which piecemeal development could not provide. The new development will provide local centre facilities including retail and community provision as well as primary school(s), green infrastructure, etc. which will be of benefit to nearby existing local communities as well as those located within the new development. A number of technical studies have been undertaken to explore potential constraints which have identified that: the fields do not contain best and most versatile agricultural land; archaeological resources are unlikely to preclude development; the site is at low risk of flooding but the drainage strategy will seek to improve flood risk for downstream communities. Noise modelling and further ecological work is required which is likely to affect the design and payout of the site but would not prevent development. Coalescence of villages can be avoided through generous green infrastructure and strategic landscaping which is characteristic of a garden community. There are opportunities to provide new and better links for cyclists and pedestrians to the local network, to improve access to Cam & Dursley rail station and to facilities at Cam. The site will be subject to transport modelling and detailed policy wording will be developed taking into account local views for the final Local Plan in 2020.

It lists CAM0015 and CAM0016 as alternatives to Wisloe.

Doesn't look like an altnernative plus isn't there too many new houses there already?

Studio LK Drop-in 24/09/2019

Well I emailed twice asked the question is this the Sept 2018 plan or have you a new plan. Reply came there none!

I'm not sure they'd even seen the Sept 2018 plan and said it was rubbish and there would be no schools next to main roads or building around our house. But they couldn't tell us their plan because they say they don't have one at present. That's probably true as they don't seem to have any knowledge of the SITE, one person pointed out that around 3 acres of the land marked as Earnest Cook Trust belonged to the church. Another said they had no idea about Wisloe Road Business Park existing?

One strange thing was the scale of them maps. They were table size which was impressive but then the SITE was only a few inches across so it was difficult to explain where things were or for some people to even find the area they were talking about.

Studio LK will come back again later this year or early next year and invite everyone back again and we will plan it out together! Hopefully by then they will know what land is owned by ECT and GCC or what business are already here!

They were very good at keeping their calm as a number of us were not happy, especially as they used pictures of our homes without asking!

If anyone moving to BOX Road is reading this beware one solution of our journey to the Railway station is to move it our side of the motorway, cheaper than building new bridges.

For people having cross the A4135 not a problem, a couple of chicanes and 20mph pedestrianized section easy. Road through the estates used as a rat run to the A38 no problem lets put 4 roads out on to the A38 that cuts the traffic per road down by 3/4. People in the future will only have 1.2 car per household and walk, use bikes,ubers and shared cars! To much noise from the motorway they'll put the Industrial units along there to mask the noise. When asked about the trade traffic going through the new housing estates, will put roads around!

When asked if new homes would be built to the minimum standard or a more eco friendly one and got the to the standards of course.

When asked about the lack of gardens in new houses apparently alotements would be on offer and there should be lots of common green space. Although with so many houses, flats carparks roads etc. it's difficult to see where.

They haven't done a project quite like this before so they couldn't show us any example of something similar, do your own research on Studio LK

As someone in a previous one of their Drop-in sessions said "All you're doing is dangling a carrot for us.

We were told we may get better water supply, mains sewage and cheaper energy? Time will tell.

SPC site 18/09/2019

In their usual openness today Wednesday 18th of September, Earnest Cook Trust/GCC have invited all of us to "Land at Wisloe - Consultation Workshop" on Tuesday 24th of September, yes less than one week away. Maybe they knew we normally go on holiday that week, lucky for us we are not. But we will there on Tuesday at the British Legion Hall/Club.

See PDF here

I have asked "Will anyone not on the internet recieve notice of this before the event?" We'll have to wait and see

Latest on the Wisloe Green Planning Review

The submissions were on the SDC site 10/06/2019

Submissions on the Stroud Council Site.

Yes they were there yesterday but after reading "Each item has been read and redacted, to remove individuals' names and personal information" it appears they put some peoples names on their submissions if your name is shown below then you were one:

Nigel cant, Paul Fryer, Jeff brookes, Richard Harris, Robert White, John bennett, Faye Williams, Chris Coates, M Jaggard, jacky coombs, Terri walton, R Swift, N cook, Graham Tilt, Keith Pearson, Kim McMillan, Neil Cook, D Kerry, Julie Butler, Kirk Walton, Lee Sibley, Jane delan, Nicky Sibley, Jane delan, Eve smith, Glenis Hall, Elizabeth Skea, Melanie Polak, Werner Welge, Nigel Stapleton, Steven hollywood, Chris Lacey, Diane Ciofi, P Maher, Izzy Spencer, Paul Harris, Bernadeete Hanlay, Heather Mackie, Nebula Beats, Norman Standen, Nigel Williams, Sandra Millward, Nicholas Chappell, Roy Davis, Katherine mather, Ankur Trivedi, M Griffiths, Wendy sayer, Dave Thombs, Anne Jones, Andrew Davis, C Mydlowski, Brain Webb, Mick Toher, Kim Sturt, Terry Leach, Lee heath, James turner, Jonathan Jarvis, Gary Boyle, Rodney Colebrook, sarah gothard, josiw cowgill, Glyn Jones, Louis Marshall Jane, Samantha Munton, J hall, Alan Terry, Joanne Burgess, Julie Clements, Robert Crockford, Christine Bennett, Moira Buist, Babs Pearn, Carole Jeffes, Shelly Woolams, Terry Hefferman, Joyce Brough, Madeline Grinfelds, Hanna Ashford, Ben and Lucy noble, Andy Page, Katherine Sealey, Matt Thompson, Sarah Lindsay, Sarah davis, Alan bone, Gill Delve, Haydn Jones, Mike Raymond, John Cordwell, John Freeland, Alan Hawley, Eric and Marget Hibbert, John Ewer, rose green, Laura White and M Russell

This is just 99 names for the first 266 submissions I looked at yesterday. Why was I looking because there is no indication which submission relates to which plan.
After scanning through the first 266 I found 34 so far that relate to Wisloe see below:

00325, 00326, 00326, 00330, 00331, 00332, 00333, 00334, 00335, 00337, 00341, 00343, 00351, 00352, 00356, 00359, 00369, 00371, 00378, 00381, 00382, 00391, 00415, 00430, 00435, 00438, 00465, 00470, 00472, 00471, 00477, 00488, 00489, 00504,

I was going to continue today but I guess because I emailed them to say they put peoples name on the whole lot is at present "Page not Found".

I will put more "Wisloe" related ones when it comes back up, hopefully they don't renumber them as I can't go through all that again. If your name is on the above list you might want to ask the SDC how this occurred.

One thing I did notice is they say there are 811 submissions but I can't find anything after 598? Where are the 212 Site Submissions.

Emerging strategy consultation: online reps 00001-251 251
Emerging strategy consultation: e-mail reps 00252-598 347
Site Submissions :Reps 00599-811 212

Latest on the Wisloe Green Planning Review

Received 07/05/2019

RE: Stroud District Local Plan Review Emerging Strategy Paper. (Wisloe green)

The report will be published online by the end of this week. Regards,

Senior Planning Strategy Officer

Stroud District Council

Keep a look out! It may happen this time, 3rd time is a charm.

Click Here for the latest information on the Local Plan Review process and to access published technical studies on the Stroud Council Site.


The fire brigade were called to Wisloe Road Business Park after thick black smoke was seen drifting across the A38 Thursday 11th of April in the evening. Strange as the Planning Application for the next 2 units expressly forbids them from burning waste or working on it after 18:00? But then have they got planning permission yet? It says "Awaiting decision on the Council's site! See Planning Docs on the Stroud Council Site.

More Planning News

The Stables (Old Dursley Road) have an Application in to open a Dog Day Boarding business. See Planning Docs on the Stroud Council Site. So why is this listed as Wisloe Road GL2 7AF and not Dursley Road(or Old Dursley Road) GL2 7AG as shown on maps?

For the latest Planning Applications

Click here and type in wisloe or gl27af or whatever to find out more.

News on Wisloe Green Development

Or lack there of. I wrote to Stroud Council asking why nothing had been publish by the end of March, here is there reply;

Dear Mr *******,

Due to the large volume of responses received by email, the processing time has taken longer than expected and we have therefore delayed the publication of the responses and initial report of findings until the end of April.


***** ******

Senior Planning Strategy Officer

Stroud District Council

So it looks like another wait until the next one

24th Jan email from Stroud Council

Dear Sir/ Madam

Stroud District Local Plan Review: Emerging Strategy Consultation 2019

Thank you for your response to the above consultation.

We are currently processing all the responses received. We will publish responses and an initial report summarising the responses on the Council's website during March 2019.

Our published programme is to prepare a draft Local Plan for further public consultation in the autumn 2019. In order to meet this timetable we will be taking into account views expressed and information provided during the consultation process, commissioning and publishing various technical studies and working further with stakeholders during 2019. Please refer to our web page for the latest information on the Local Plan Review process and to access published technical studies

Your privacy is important to Stroud District Council. In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we must receive consent to contact you further. If you would like to be kept informed of the Local Plan Review and the publications of planning policy documents please enter your contact details on our consultation database If you have already submitted your details through the above link since May 2018 then you do not need to submit them again. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the Planning Strategy Team.

Should you have any queries on the Local Plan Review, please contact the Planning Strategy Team on 01453 754143 or by email at local.plan@stroud.gov.uk.

Yours faithfully,

Planning Strategy Team
Stroud District Council

Objections of Slimbridge Parish Council with regards to the Local Plan Review Consultation

Click Here to read their letter. They reject the Wisoe Green Proposal(PS37) and SLI001 but may concider the SLI003 Proposal. See map below:


Wisloe Green Countdown Hopefully everyone has sent in their objection to the Wisloe Green Proposed plan. Last day is 18:01:2019 these can not be objections to the proposed development itself but to putting a development here i.e Wisloe Green goes against a wide range of planning policies and should be removed in its current form. It would coalesce all Slimbridge communities and potentially join Dursley and Cam with the Severn Vale (against all planning principles). It is sandwiched between the M5, main Gloucester to Bristol railway and the A38. etc. etc.

They must be in to the Stroud Council by January 18th
Responses and Queries to;

email                      local.plan@stroud.gov.uk

postal address        Local Plan Review
                              The Planning Strategy Team
                              Stroud District Council
                              Ebley Mill
                              Stroud GL5 4UB

So much for unbiased

I hoped this would be an unbiased procedure but I get the feeling Stroud Council are in favour when you visit their website and look at the document heading


"Preferred" and "I Love" don't sound unbiased to me. Perhaps in future "final draft strategy pdf compressed" would be enough!

Things to read

how to object to a Planning Application

Planning Help

How to comment on a planning application

Sample Letter of Objection


The Campaign to Protect Rural England Guide

Stroud District Local Plan Nov 2015

Wisloe Green Vision Document - promoter material(pdf)

Some of these may help

    Typical reasons to object could be:

Loss of light or overshadowing

Visual amenity (but not loss of private view)

Adequacy of parking/loading/turning

Highway safety

Traffic generation

Noise and disturbance resulting from use

Loss of trees

Layout and density of building

Road access

Local, strategic, regional and national planning policies

Nature conservation


    They cannot be:

The perceived loss of property value

The loss of a view

The impact of construction work or competition between firms

Restrictive covenants

Ownerships disputes over rights of way

Fence lines etc

Personal morals or views about the applicant.

Hopefully everyone has seen the link and read the Proposed Wisloe Green Development Plans. Some one just sent us a link www.stroud.gov.uk/info/9._Wisloe_Green_Vision_Document_-_promoter_material.pdf!!

If you recieved this through your door please let us know. .

It looks great except it fails to mention either way you get to it will be passed a trading estate. Apparently something will be done about the noise and polution from the very close M5.

  Inital thoughts, looking at the plans it's a joke
The 6 houses on Dursley Road, by the Motorway seem to be cut off totally.
No 5 and 6 Wisloe Road, appear to be in the middle of the Community facilies? 1-4 seem to be in a no mans land between the Park and the housing estate.
Looking at the overal plan it's Barton Field all over again. Where is the parking, since people first moved into Barton Fields they have been parking over the pavement and it looks like there is even less room here.
Again like at Barton Field, the Park at the heart of the settlement will be right next to a 50 MPH road (10 MPH lower than Barton Field so that's a plus) not an accident waiting to happen. Really a Prominent central landscape landmark feature between the A4135 and the M5.
It appears the new school and West side of Wisloe Village will be joining the A4135 on a blind bend not lease because of the green Corridor to cut down noise. As the parents from the present school across the A38 are now starting to park in Wisloe Road, where are all these new parents going to be parking. Will they be blocking the A4135 and A38 as well as St John's Road?
Having been told by someone that this document exists it seems the very least Stroud Council could have done was sent it to Residents that it will affect, probably only 15 houses, some of which will not see or have access to to this as they do not have internet connections! Thanks Stroud Council. This will keep builders, Developers and the Council accountants happy but not the existing residents and probably not the new residents. Why call it after the community they are destroying.

If you go on the Ernest Cook Trust website, there is zero about it. Obviously they're proud of their new money making scheme. http://ernestcooktrust.org.uk/

Thoughts on the Proposal

Page 5

walk to cam in 45 mins
Residents could walk to Cam or the Railway Station but you have 2 choices; across a field, styles, down a road with no pavement and then across a road(in the road no pavement or pedestrian crossing) railway bridge(all 60mph). Or along the A4135 and over the Railway bridge that has about 18-24" of pedestrian paving, whilst Quarry trucks, plant rental trucks etc. pass by at 50mph!

Page 6

Nice view, but that's where most the houses are going so say goodbye to that.

Page 7

Social - supporting strong, vibrant and healthy communities.
By ripping the heart out the Wisloe community

Environmental - protecting and enhancing the natural and built environment.
What will happen to to the Swallows, bats, starlings that live here let along owls, house and hedge sparrow, wrens, robins, black birds, thrushes, sparrow hawks, buzzards, field fare, red starts, wood peckers, various tits, warblers and finches, and lately red kite. Plus Foxes, badgers, hedhogs, toads, frogs, newts etc.

Page 9

Historically, the Ernest Cook Trust was established in order to encourage learning from the land and it continues to actively pursue this endeavour in a variety of ways today.
What will Earnest Cook Trust learn from this Developement other than how to upset a few people and make even more money?

Gloucestershire County Council has an important role in helping to support sustainable growth in the county.
What quality of life when they pack them in on grade 2 land which can never be recovered. Not a positive legacy but an income for the future.

Page 11

A number of smaller settlements surround the site within reach by road, cycle or by foot.
Only if they finally do something about crossings, pavements and speed limits.

The surrounding area is primarily agricultural with a mix of pastural and arable use. The land is low lying with long views to the west across the Severn Flood plain. The site itself is not within an area identified for flooding by the Environment Agency.
It may not be a flooding area but the water table is an inch or so below the surface and on occassion on the surface.

Given the low lying land opening out to the west the site enjoys a wide horizon and long views of the evening sun and sunsets
Unless you live in a street surronded by houses.

Page 12

The M5 borders the south eastern boundary of the site on a raised embankment with it lying roughly equidistant between Junctions 13 and 14.
Which you'll notice when the M5 has problems, getting on and off or across the A38 can be a long and major problem.

The site has very good access to the local road network given that the A38 borders the western boundary of the site either side of the roundabout it forms with the A4135. The A4135 extends from its junction with the A38 on a northwest southeast alignment to bisect the site. This link then passes over the M5 towards Draycott, Lower Cam and Dursley.
Since Wisloe Road Business Park took off the A4135 is busier than ever and often queues form from just the small population as it is and the Business park Traffic, what will it be like if you add 3000+ cars to that.

Cam & Dursley railway station is located to the southeast of the M5 where is borders the site. As a result, the station is within a 400 metre walking distance of the southern eastern edge of the site as the 'crow flies'.
Yes as the 'CROW FLIES' or if you run across the M5 and Railway lines.

Page 13

This provision extends across overbridge that passes over the M5 prior to narrowing where it passes over the adjacent railway line.
Narrowing indeed and harrowing if you want to take life in hands and walk across.

Page 15

On site, hedgerows are fragmented and poor quality.
By who's definition of fragmented and poor quality?

Page 16

1 Rail links are possible from the nearby Cam & Dursley station
Where will extra commuters park most people have to get lifts to and from the station as it is.

2 Centre the new settlement around a hub of community activity set within a Central Park.
As I live there I cannot comment.

3 Create a prominent, sculptural landscape feature at the centre of the settlement.
Between the M5 and A4135, sounds wonderful if you have ear plugs and a dusk mask.

4 Community facilities create a Local Centre in a location which is within easy reach of the whole settlement and overlook the Central Park.
It's a flood plain how will they overlook the park, it's on the level except where the A4135 rises to go over the M5, so if you're in a car you can overlook the Central Park. and the Community will be able to watch the cars and trucks go up the A4135 and over the M5 bridge once the park is there. Also what happens to the 2 homes in the middle of your Community Facilities?

5 A new School is located centrally and within a rich landscape setting
Fronted by a busy A road the other side of which is the other half of the pupils.

6 Employment space located adjacent to the A38 for easy access but also creating a gateway to the settlement from the south
Yet another access though a business park we have 2 of those as is. Also this means business traffic will cut through the housing estate as will people going to work on a morning rather than queuing at the A38 roundabout. Probably it will be a rat run for everyone not wanting to queue at the round about to go south on the A38.

7 A landscape and acoustic buffer shields the settlement from the motorway and makes the most of the opportunity to enhance ecological continuity and biodiversity
This will have to be good we live where the Community Facilities are to be and it's loud here especially this time of year when the leaves are gone. Also it will have to be tall as the M5 and A4135 are taller the the surrounding flat land (flood plain). Maybe we should be asking why don't we already have this?

8 A green corridor running parallel to the motorway corridor.
I think we alrady have this.

9 Nearer the centre, development comprises a mix of small and medium sized terraced and semi-detached homes.
Noise from the M5 one end and A38 the other. Plus noise from the football club(louder than the roads) and a view for some of the new Monument if you can see passed the old houses.

10 Away from the centre and the central park, and where the settlement edge is formed by road or rail boundaries, development reduces in density with the provision of more private green space
The expensive houses you mean, not so likely to flood and some protection from noise thanks to the people living in area 11.

11 Where the settlement edge meets the landscape and links to the Cam river corridor, development is the least dense
Sound nice but the noisiest and most likely to flood

Page 18

A key pedestrian and cycle desire line from the site for prospective residents and employees will be to the south/south east in order to access Cam & Dursley railway station, Draycott and Lower Cam as these will be important local destinations.
Residents could walk to Cam or the Railway Station but you have 2 choices; across a field, styles, down a road with no pavement and then across a road railway bridge(all 60mph). Or along the A4135 and over the Railway bridge that has about 18" of pedestrian paving, whilst Quarry trucks, plant rental trucks etc. pass by at 50mph!

Page 19

As the site fronts onto the eastern side of the A38 in two locations to the north and south of its junction with the A4135 there is the potential to provide vehicular (incl. bus), pedestrian and cycle access at each of these points.
The road system struggles with the traffic at present between the A4135 and the A38. The A4135 is already a busy road and the Wisloe Road junction is becoming a problem at times. Yet you expect a huge increase in traffic from 15-30 locals at present rising to 750-3000+ in the future to have no influence. And if there is a motorway hold up then it can take literally hours the come up the A38 to Wisloe Road as it is.

What will 1500+ more cars do to the Motorway Junctions, on J14 we already queue back to Stone every morning to get on and queue on the Motorway at night to get home.

Page 20

Diverse and high quality employment space accessible to the A38 and within walkable distance of the settlement.
Will there be any jobs for locals or just companies relocating. Only to half the settlement the other half have to get across the now even busier A4135.

Primary School at the heart of the community and set within a generous learning landscape.
At the heart of nothing it's on the busy A4135, see how their health fares.

Community facilities centrally located.
For half the Community.

A park at the heart of the settlement is surrounded by a mix of uses
Again not really central if your kid has to cross a main road to get there. Hopefully this would be fenced off from the A4135.

Prominent Central Landscape Landmark feature.
so you will build a hill to look down; into the gardens of the people on Dursley rd, the M5 and the A4135. It will be noisy and windy there and probably smelling of exhuast fumes.

A landscape buffer and acoustic bund is designed to shield the settlement from motorway noise
I hope that works, it will have to be high as the M5 is metres above the surounding land.

Page 22

Nice aristic view but not of this area. It's a flood Plain, that's flat land, with the exception of the motorway which higher and the A4135 which starts off almost level at the round about and high enough to clear the motor way when it crosses it. The hill illistrated would be 114m across and 24m according to your artist impression and yet to fit that you'd either loose most of the park or build it on the 6 house in Dursley road? What do you get when you climb it 90 - 100 degrees of Wisloe Green/ old Wisloe Road homes and 260 - 270 degrees of the A4135 and M5!
There seems to be slopes everywhere on this flat land. I don't think the child would have a balloon very long, anyone living here knows about the "Wisloe Wind", obviously you do not.

Page 25

The development site is located adjacent to the M5 which is likely to be the dominant noise source across the site.
Clearly you know nothing about the acoustics of this area. Most of the time the M5 is the Dominant noise except when the local football club is playing or partying, then the noise can be heard indoor and out, a couple of evenings a week and often weekends. It's not just the level of noise, but what is shouted, is not for young children.

The height of the bund would be determined as part of the design of the scheme
This will be interesting as the motorway and the A4135 are both higher than the surrounding land.

Suitable set back from the M5;
We are where your Community Facilities are sited as far from the M5 as you can get it's still noisy.

Page 26

The areas within the flood zones will be utilised as natural parkland along the rivers' edge. This will add value to the land as an ecological enhancement and an area of green space for the residents, while allowing for the flood plain to be utilised when necessary. This water compatible development is deemed an acceptable use of flood zone 2 as described in the Gov.uk Table 3: Flood risk vulnerability and flood zone 'compatibility'.
With all these houses going up and new road more water will be shed faster thus a flood will be more likely than previously.

Further measures across the site where suitable will be taken to ensure the appropriate level of drainage is met, especially if an infiltration design is not possible. This can be incorporated into the green corridor that runs through the development in the form of SuDS techniques such as attenuation basins, swales or permeable paving.
How much drainage on a site that is normally waterlogged for month on end? If you drain the land how long before the existing houses, buildings gas lines etc start to crack.

Page 27

The Site itself looks to be dominated by agricultural land (crop and pasture), the quality of which is not possible to determine through a review of aerial photography. Hedgerows, trees and drainage ditches are present across the Site, with the corridor of the River Cam forming in part the northern and eastern boundary. At least three ponds also appear to be present.
Does this mean no one has done a proper survey of the land, certainly the overal plan appears to be devised by someone who has never been here. Maybe google earth has been used although that's usually a couple of years out of date and the street views of Cambridge doesn't even have Barton Field so how many years out of date is that!

Page 28

What will happen to to the Swallows, bats, starlings that live here let alone owls, house and hedge sparrow, black birds, thrushes, wagtails, warblers, sparrow hawks, buzzards, field fare, red starts, wood peckers, various tits and finches, robins, wren, and lately red kite. And the birds from Slimbridge WTF that land in the fields. Plus water voles, dormice, harvest mice, Foxes, badgers, hedgehogs, toads, frogs, newts, slow worms etc. And trees like the rare Cambridge Queening?

I see no mention of wind, it's a windy place, "The Wisloe Wind"! Put some terraces up and you'll have some nice wind-tunnel effects. We all have steep roofs and still had problems with rattling tiles. We had to get most of ours nailed down instead of the usual every couple of rows.

If you have thoughts about this send them to .

More importantly send a objection to "local.plan@stroud.gov.uk" these can not be objections to the proposed development itself but to putting a development there i.e

Wisloe Green goes against a wide range of planning policies and should be removed in its current form.

It would coalesce all Slimbridge communities and potentially join Dursley and Cam with the Severn Vale (against all planning principles).

It is sandwiched between the M5, main Gloucester to Bristol railway and the A38.

The protection required from noise and pollution to meet statutory minimums for any future residents would be virtually impossible to achieve.

The landscape harm in the local situation and particularly from the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is impossible to mitigate and would, under normal circumstances, prevent development.

The land in question also hosts Red Data list birdlife protected under national and international legislation and roman remains.

There are other brown field sites available, this area is high grade agricultural land (grade 2 - the largest and one of only two blocks in the Stroud District) once built on it will be just another brown field site. Its loss would require far greater inputs on other compensatory land to produce the same or require additional imports and food miles etc.

This land is a flood plain, I know it doesn't flood as such in Wisloe Road but the water table is high enough that we have water sat on the surface at certain times of the year.

What will 1500-3000+ more cars do to the Motorway Junctions, on J14 we already queue back to Stone every morning to get on and queue on the Motorway at night to get home.

The road system struggles with the traffic at present between the A4135 and the A38. The A4135 is already a busy road and the Wisloe Road junction is becoming a problem at times. Yet you expect a huge increase in traffic 15-30 locals at present rising to 1500-3000+ in the future to have no influence. If there is a motorway hold up then it can take literally hours the come up the A38 to Wisloe Road as it is.

If both sides of the A4135 are built up and have better link to the A38 how long before they become rat runs for people trying to avoid the traffic jam at the roundabout.

If you are planing a new community it's going to be difficult having half one side of the A4135 and the other half the other side. How will children cross to go to school or will there be lots of parking. There have been enough accidents when drivers slow down to turn into Wisloe Road now, but there will be traffic coming and going from the other side of the road as well which will be blind to traffic coming down off of the the Motorway bridge. Instead of creating a stronger Community it's having the opposite effect, I see someone on facebook has already queried can Dursley Road be blocked by M.D Collins factory to stop people using their Road!

Will extra parking be available for the Football club, at present they park down Wisloe Road, over the verges, on pavements and in front of houses/drives. This would also be useful to the parents of the old school across the A38 as they have now started parking here when dropping off and picking up their children.

Will new Railway bridges be built? Residents could walk to Cam or the Railway Station but you have 2 choices; across a field, styles, down a road with no pavement and then across a road railway bridge(all 60mph). Or along the A4135 and over the Railway bridge that has about 18" of pedestrian paving, whilst Quarry trucks, plant rental trucks etc. pass by at 50mph!

How will they sell the idea of this new Community with 6 1920's houses spaced out, at the centre of it with their large gardens, compare to the new builds crammed in and their postage stamp gardens and cars parked all over the pavements, and they will probably consider us a blot on their landscape certainly the Developers will. It certainly won't make for a close knit Community as exist here at the moment.

Will the existing residents have to go through years of infrastructure work only to get kicked out at the end when they are in the way?

Will the amentities include shops, Post Office etc.? What will happen to the existing ones that will perhaps loose out to these new ones with easier parking? Maybe that's part of the plan new amenities means the old Village Hall, car park and Post office will become prime house building land?

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